Find out answers to your frequently asked questions.

Questions About the Process

  • Over the last two years, KMS Schools worked hard to identify and prioritize our facility needs. Each step has been critical to fully understanding our district’s needs, and we’re thankful for the feedback our community has provided us.

    We took steps in our district’s overall strategic plan, including 1) we evaluated our LTFM plan, 2) we asked for staff feedback through a comprehensive online survey, 3) we asked for staff and community feedback through several in-person listening sessions, 4) we evaluated our facilities through a comprehensive educational facilities assessment, 5) we evaluated our facilities through a comprehensive facilities assessment to understand our school’s physical conditions, 6) we completed a comprehensive demographics study to understand our historical enrollment numbers and our future projected enrollment numbers, 7) we hired an experienced K-12 planning and construction firm, ICS, to assist in this process, 8) and we district engaged a financial advisor, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC, to help review the district’s financial health and to identify all available funding options and tools to minimize the tax impact to local taxpayers.

    On Monday, July 10, 2023, the KMS School Board unanimously approved submitting a Review & Comment, the required documentation reviewed by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). On Monday, August 14, 2023, the KMS School Board will vote on approving the resolution to present a two-question bond referendum to district residents on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Click here to learn more about the process.

  • On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, KMS residents voted to approve a two-question bond referendum that invested $10.735 million into improving our schools. The 2013 bond referendum addressed many of our district’s space needs, and we’re grateful to our community for their support at that time.

    However, our district has continued to evolve and change over the last decade.

  • The district has provided the MDE with all the required documentation for the proposed improvements and the referendum in the form of a “Review & Comment” submission. The MDE reviews all submitted information to ensure the project is both educationally and financially appropriate. Click here to view the Review & Comment.

  • Bond funds can only be used for construction including new construction, additions, and renovations. Operating levies are a legally separate funding source to support classroom needs, educational programs, staffing, etc. Both a bond referendum and an operating levy need to be approved by voters.

Questions About Our Challenges

  • KMS Schools face two primary challenges: 1) our schools need additional and improved space to provide appropriate learning environments for our students; and 2) our district needs additional and improved space to support our growing athletics and activities needs. For a complete list of specific challenges that our district faces, click here.

  • Specialist services in our elementary school have been forced to outlying spaces such as the building’s lower level and portable classrooms, and spaces to support specialist services in our secondary school are limited. Our elementary school has no room for growth without adding pressure on other core spaces such as flexible classrooms, the Media Center, and music areas.

    Based on current state/MDE standards and our lack of available space, the science classrooms in our secondary school are inadequate to meet our students’ needs.

    When it was opened for use in 2015, the existing agricultural classroom in our secondary school was originally designed for one teacher. Since then, our district hired a second agricultural teacher to accommodate our curriculum needs. The room was not designed to serve two classes at the same time, which means one class needs to move to an alternative space as available.

    The size of our existing Metal Shop severely limits the number of students that can participate in metals and welding courses. The existing Media Center in our secondary school is underutilized due to its layout. It lacks flexible space to support independent learning and small group instruction.

    The existing restrooms adjacent to the student dining area in our elementary school are inefficiently laid out and the finishes and fixtures have reached the end of their life cycle. These restrooms need to be improved to meet ADA accessibility and age-appropriate standards.

  • The existing football field at our elementary school lacks a running track and the flexibility that artificial turf provides, and doesn’t make the best use of the space due to its positioning. In addition, parking for events is found only on surrounding streets.

    The existing varsity softball field and junior varsity softball field are not configured in a way that makes best use of the available land. We also lack adequate space on the site to accommodate parking in this area and a track around the existing grass football field. In addition, the fields require upgrades to fencing, dugouts, and playing surfaces.

    The existing locker rooms at our secondary school need improvements. The theater area at our secondary school requires seating replacements, lighting upgrades, an improved sound and lighting booth, and a reconfigured back-of-house area to create a better theater entrance.

    Our band and choir programs are experiencing increasing pressure on their existing spaces due to an increase in student participation.

  • Yes, our maintenance staff has taken great care of our schools. In addition, as part of our Long-Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) plan, our district was able to complete the following projects in 2021: 1) improve the existing parking lots at our elementary and secondary schools, 2) replace the internal heating and cooling piping associated with the geothermal system at our secondary school, 3), replace the remaining portions of roofing at our secondary school, and 4) replace the existing steam boilers and existing piping in the southwest corner of the building so that the entire building operates off of a hot water system.

    Educational and facility needs still remain from our 2013 referendum in addition to needs that have stemmed over the last decade as our district has evolved, grown, and changed.

  • Our district does its best to provide opportunities for students that challenge them in academics, athletics, activities, and more. Our district’s plan for space is driven mostly by resident students’ needs, so we can provide a well-rounded education. However, we’ve seen growth in the number of families that choose to open enroll their children, and we appreciate that open enrolled students bring state funding that improves education for all students.

    As we look to the future, our primary growth is projected to follow the current pattern, including both current and past district residents. This means previous KMS graduates are choosing to return to KMS, start their families, and give their children an educational experience similar to the one they had.

    Approximately 94% of students, including those that open enroll, participate in some type of athletic or activity outside of the classroom. Students that open enroll in KMS Schools provide additional funding to our district and, ultimately, allow us to maintain manageable class sizes, keep our current technology needs updated, provide mental health support to students, and more. We believe families should have the ability to choose what district their student attends regardless of geographic boundary. We follow the MN Department of Education’s guidelines and timelines when it comes to open enrollment.

  • No. Open enrollment does not negatively impact the district’s overall operating budget. Here are three reasons why: 1) KMS Schools has maintained a healthy fund balance, which continues to grow. Our district has been wise with taxpayer dollars and dollars from the state. 2) The district receives the same funding per student regardless of whether that is a resident student or an open-enrolled student. 3) The district has not required an operating levy to offset or supplement the district’s annual budget for the last 10 years. Over the last decade, our school board and district administration have been efficient and intentional with district spending.

Questions About the Plan and Impact

  • On Tuesday, November 7, residents of KMS Schools approved one of two questions to invest $17.15 million dedicated to key improvements across the district.

    Learn more about the plan here.

  • Question One’s improvements include the following:

    • Build a new 11,000-square-foot Career and Technical Education (CTE) addition at our secondary school to provide three new science classrooms, a new Metal/Agricultural Shop, and additional space to expand the CADD Lab to create a Clean Lab Setting. This addition will also provide renovations to our existing Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) classroom. The existing Metal Shop would be converted to a new custodial/receiving space along with an additional freezer, and the existing freezer space would be renovated to provide additional cooler space.

    • Reconfigure the existing administrative offices at our secondary school to provide additional specialist space, including Special Education, academic/career counseling, and mental health.

    • Build a five-classroom addition to our elementary school to provide general classroom space, dedicated specialist space, and remove the district’s use of the portable classrooms and lower-level areas. This 7,500-square-foot addition will also meet new, code-required storm shelter requirements. The current maintenance/storage garage will be demolished to make space for this addition.

    • Construct a new +/- 120-stall parking lot at the elementary school to provide additional space for events and improve safety for attendees.

    • Improve the flexibility and functionality of the existing Media Center at our secondary school by creating spaces to support independent learning and small groups.

    • Upgrade the existing locker rooms at our secondary school to improve shower facilities, lockers, benches, and to meet storm shelter building requirements.

    • Build an addition to accommodate locker room space needs.

    • Complete improvements to the existing theater area at our secondary school, including seating replacements, lighting upgrades, an improved sound and lighting booth, and a reconfigured back-of-house area to create a better theater entrance.

    • Renovate the restrooms adjacent to the student dining area in our elementary school to meet ADA accessibility and age-appropriate standards.

  • Yes, a conceptual drawing is available on the plan page here. However, this is not finalized. If the referendum is approved, the design process would involve stakeholder input to ensure the design best responds to those that would use the facility.

  • State law does not permit different facility options to be presented to voters at the same time. This plan was deemed to represent the greatest value for the lowest cost after more than a year of planning and feedback from our community and stakeholders.

    The proposed plan was selected from several recommendations presented to the school board and aligns with feedback we’ve received from our community.

  • The plan will impact our students, staff, and community members in the following ways. Learn more about the impact of the plan here.

    • The proposed plan best meets our educational space needs for years to come. Many of the spaces in both our elementary school and secondary school are undersized, not centralized, or not configured to best meet our students’ needs. If approved, the plan would provide appropriate and adequate space that meet the Minnesota Department of Education’s (MDE) guidelines, and meet the needs for specialist services, independent learning, future careers, and more.

    • Providing improved spaces such as new fields, reconfigured fields, artificial turf, and more are important updates to provide flexibility and to continue attracting new families to our district. In addition, new parking lots will improve the safety of students, staff, and visitors.

    • The proposed plan allows the district to address critical deferred maintenance needs. These improvements include select toilet room updates to address ADA accessibility and age appropriateness. The existing locker room facilities would be renovated to improve both accessibility and privacy.

Questions about Design and Construction

  • The design phase of the project will take place from November 2023 to May 2024. The project’s bid phase will take place in multiple phases, and construction will also take place in phases from April 2024 to spring 2026. Please note that this schedule may change because of material delays or unforeseen lead times.

  • The district will begin the design process, led by the project architect. Community input is important during this process, and we will involve staff, administrators, community members, and students who will work collaboratively with the architect throughout the design process.

    Input would be asked for and encouraged to ensure the design of the renovated and expanded KMS Schools best represents the students, staff, and community who will use it.

  • The district and school board were intentional in selecting the right project team for this effort, and those firms are:

    • ICS is a strategic planning and construction firm with expertise in PreK-12 facilities.

    • Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC is an industry-leading financial firm assisting the district with financial strategies.

Questions About the Cost

  • The total cost of Question One is $17.15 million. This amount include all issuance and financing costs. Learn more about the cost here.

  • For Question One, the estimated tax impact on a $170,600 residential home in the district would be approximately $13.67 per month starting in 2024.

    To find your estimated tax impact, please use our tax calculator here.

  • The bonds will be issued for a period of 20 years.

  • Created by the State of Minnesota in 2017, the Ag2School Tax Credit was implemented to reduce the property tax impact of school debt referendums for agricultural landowners. The 70% credit is applicable to all agricultural land with the exception of the home, garage, and one acre of land surrounding an agricultural homestead.

    If the referendum is approved, the Ag2School Tax Credit would pay for 55% of the project’s total debt service payments.

    This credit is automatically assessed on all qualifying land — no application or paperwork needed. The Ag2School tax credit is a permanent law existing into perpetuity. Repealing or reducing the credit would mean a vote for raising taxes for agricultural landowners, which is not politically appealing. Visit our tax calculator to find out your estimated tax impact here. If you have any questions, please email Ryan Fetters, the district’s financial advisor and representative, at

  • The district is working closely with ICS, a K-12 planning and construction firm, to ensure the project stays on budget. During the planning process, the district worked closely with Baker Tilly, the district’s financial advisor, to provide an external financial review and model several options to further understand what improvements our district could support.

    If approved, KMS Schools will work with ICS to ensure the project remains on track using various tools including monthly updates, budget tracking, comprehensive project documentation, and more.

    In addition, once a referendum is approved by local voters, the budget is firmly set for construction and cannot be increased or overspent. Learn more about the plan here.